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System Set-Up

Computers are complex devices, and setting up a new machine can be a daunting task to say the least. And if you have printers, scanners, networking equipment, surge protection, usb hubs, spakers, and more, the tangle of cords can increase in size exponentially. That is why I offer to do it all for you.

Just give me a call, and I will drive to your location in the Eugene/Springfield area to untangle the mess for you. You don't even need to take the equipment out of the box. Do you just have a new peripheral device and need to figure out how to fit it into the tangle of wires you already have? That is not a problem at all.

If you're interested in making your digital life a lot easier and want to get the most out of your new equipment, call me at (541) 357-7349 or e-mail me here and we can get started.

Eugene - Springfield - Florence - Oakridge - Cottage Grove
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